Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Italy: Milan

I hope everyone enjoyed seeing the history and culture Rome has to offer! We now move on to another city in Italy: Milan. Milan is a large, highly populated city in northern Italy. Although many of the people who visit Milan are on business, there are some wonderful cites for us to see as well.

One of the first places I would like to visit in Milan is the Duomo di Milan or the Milan Cathedral. This beautiful cathedral is the largest in Italy, and the fourth largest cathedral in the world. Its construction began in 1386 and was not completed until 1965. Like many of the things we saw in Rome, this Cathedral is affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church.

The Duomo di Milan is located in the Piazza del Duomo or Cathedral Square. This is the main city squre in Milan. The squre was created in 1859 as construction of the cathedral was finally coming to an end. Along with the Duodmo di Milan, other structures that surround this square include the arcade of the Palazzo Settentrionale, Galleria Vittorio Emmanuele II, and the Palazzo Meridionale. Also in the square is the statue of Vittorio Emanuele II, the first king of Italy.  

The last place I'd like to visit in Milan is the Sforza Caslte. The original construction of the site occured in the 14th century. It was used by a number of people in Milan, and was influenced at different periods by the French and Spanish. In the 19th century, after the unification of Italy, the caslte was used by the military. During World War II, the castle was heavily damaged. When the war was finished, the castle was reconstruced with the purpose of making it a museum. Today, the castle is an art museum with the Civic Collections of Ancient Art.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Italy: Rome

Welcome to Italy! I'm so excited to be visiting this wonderful country. I must say, however, that we are most certainly not the only ones visiting; Italy is the fifth most visited country in the entire world. Italy is a beautiful country rife with art and culture. It is located in southern Europe, and is the fifth most populated country in that continent with over 60,800,000 people residing there. Italy's official language is Italian and it's capital city is Rome, which is the city we will be vising first.

One of the places we must visit while in Rome, Italy is the Colosseum. The Colosseum, which was originally called the Flavian Amphitheatre, was constructed from 72 AD to 80AD. It was the largest of the Amphitheatres built by the Roman Empire. The Colosseum is located in the center of Rome, and was an important part of the culture of the Roman Empire. It was mainly used for public spectacles and is most famous for the gladiator contests that occurred there. Today, the Colosseum is an extremely popular tourist attraction. We, like many tourists, will pay to see this beautiful masterpiece. Many concerts and other public events also occur in or, more commonly, right outside of the Colosseum. Finally, many Roman Catholic ceremonies occur at the Colosseum.

Another beautiful piece of Roman history is the Pantheon. This structure was originally built by the Ancient Romans at a temple to all of the gods of Ancient Rome. In 126 AD, it was rebuilt by Emperor Hadrian. Today, the structure as now also used by the Roman Catholic Church. King Vittorio Emanuele II, King Umberto I, and Queen Marheerita (Umberto I's wife) are buried at the Pantheon. The Roman Catholic Church also uses this site for religious ceremonies such as masses, weddings, and services on important Catholic days.

The final place we'll visit in Rome is the Vatican Museums which are located in Vatican City. These museums were built and are maintained by the Roman Catholic Church. They contain a large collection of art that has been put together by the church:

The Pinacoteca Vaticana Contains a large number of paintings.

The Collection of Modern Religious Art has numerous sculptures and paintings with religious value.

There are several sculpture museums in the Vatican Museums as well. One of these is the Museo Pio-Clementino. There are 54 galleries in the this museums. After visitors go through the first 53 of them, the final one they get to enter is the Sistine Chapel painted by Michelangelo.

The other sculpture museums include Museo Chiaramonti, Museo Gregoriano Etrusco, and Museo Gregoriano Egiziano. These museums contain numerous sculptures, sarcophaguses, stone tablets, vases, bronzes, and papyrus along with many other important historical and art objects.

 Rome is a beautiful city in Italy filled with ruins detailing history, art and religion. It's an incredible place to learn about Ancient Roman history, the Roman Empire and the Roman Catholic Church. While we have only touched on the many beautiful places to visit in the ancient city, we will have to move on so we can see more of this country. I hope you enjoyed the time we did have here!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Peru: Amazon Rainforest


Along with being a great place to see some rich cultural and indigenous heritage, Peru is also a great place to explore the Amazon Rainforest. Sixty percent of the country is covered by the Amazon. These forests are protected by different environmental laws, so they are pure and not destroyed by humans.

Most of the Peruvian Amazon, with the exception of the region near the Andes Mountains is called the lowland jungle. This part of the Amazon is extremely warm, with an average temperature of over 80 degrees Fahrenheit and with humidity usually over 75%. The rainforest gets over 100 inches of rain a
year, which is one of the highest rainfall amounts in the world.

 There is great biodiversity in the Peruvian Amazon with numerous species of plants and animals that have been discovered, and even more that have not yet been discovered. There are more types of trees in the Amazon Rainforest than in any other place on earth. The Peruvian Amazon contains over 2,500 types of butterflies, 697 types of fish, 806 species of birds as well as numerous types of bugs and other organisms. And that's just what's been discovered so far. There are many scientists who believe that most of the organisms that reside in the Peruvian Amazon have yet to be discovered. While I could get into more detail and spend more time describing the Peruvian Amazon and all the creatures in it, this is beauty you really have to see:

 Pink Hibiscus

Scarlet Flowers

Pink Nose Dolphin
Squirrel Monkey


Poison Dart Frog

Those are just a few of the millions of species that reside in the Amazon Rainforest. It is quite amazing how diverse this beautiful part of Peru is! I hope you have been enjoying our trip so far; we've spent a lot of time exploring just a few countries, and there are so many more to explore. So, let's leave this beautiful part of the world behind us so we can continue on to yet another destination: Italy!