Monday, September 17, 2012


Hi, I'm Ashley! So, despite the name of my blog, I've never traveled around the world and have no plan of doing so in the next few months or even  years. I wish I did though; that's why I created this. When I was 12, I spent a month in Spain. I had never been on a plane before that summer, and I had not been outside of the United States and Canada. I was intrigued by the culture and loved every minute of my time over there. Since then I have wanted to travel to so many different countries to explore and learn about the culture. Unfortunately, this is not practical for a number of reasons, and I have not been able to explore the world. Luckily for me, I live in a time where the internet is easily accessible and where I can find more information than I have time to read on every country in the world. So, I'm going to take that amazing journey I have wanted to for years. I will visit all of the countries I have wanted to explore, but I'll do it from the comfort of my home using my computer. I want to learn about all of the tourist attractions and popular places people explore when they do visit each of these countries. I also want to explore culture, food, religion, and other aspects that make these countries unique. I hope that through this journey, I will enjoy exploring and learning about other cultures even though I don't have the opportunity to travel around the world. I hope others will enjoy learning and exploring with me!

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